Monday, February 3, 2014

Today is a Day You Might Not Have Had, So Live Like it is a Bonus

Don't let life get in the way of living. This last week I realized I had been out-lived by someone who had far less time on this earth than I have. I don't mean a celebrity who has seemingly accomplished more than us regular joes that don't have the same opportunities or talents. I mean someone who has had much the same upbringing as I have had, with one very real difference. This particular person grew up with a condition called complete heart block. It meant that she needed a pacemaker at age 11 or she would have died. She was faced with the very real possibility that she could die at any moment from a very young age. This gave her what seems to be an advantage over the rest of us who think life will stretch on until we are 80 or 90 and we have lots of time to accomplish everything we want to do. She knew life would end in a moments notice. And she lived every moment like it was a bonus.

So live your life like it is a bonus. Every day is a bonus day that you might not have had. Don't take life so seriously. Play. Be silly. Buy that plastic tiara and wear it in public, simply because it makes you smile. Take pictures. Don't be afraid to not be perfect or make mistakes. Never miss an opportunity to tell someone what they mean to you. Share your passions. Climb a mountain and enjoy the view from the top. Make waves. Be the butterfly that causes a tsunami.

Above all, something I think everyone should remember, love your God and love your neighbour as yourself. With these two things you will find that you will love yourself.


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