Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Soul Mate

Alter ego.



Kindred Spirit.


A person with whom one has a strong affinity, shared values and tastes.

These things all describe you, my soul mate. But if I wrote my own dictionary, your name would be the definition of "soul mate". It would read:

Soul mate [səʊl ɱeɪʈ] n Wilmz: A close friend who completely understands me, shares my values and beliefs; is my companion, my champion, my confidant and my challenger; fights with me and never against me; is my partner-in-crime and my motivator; plays the devil's advocate when I need one, and God's advocate when He needs one; my antagonist, collaborator and alter ego; the one who knows my heart and soul better than I do.

I know it was time for you to go, my kindred heart. I can't come just yet, but someday our spirits will be united again. For now, my severed soul is mending and finding the pieces that will always remind me of you, keep me whole, and maybe even help me love another the way you and I have loved each other.

Know that I love you,
Forever and always,
In this life and the next,


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