Sunday, February 16, 2014

Free Stuff

So when we were younger, (we are, of course, not old by any standard) and we used to go out, it was always fun to get free stuff: drinks, shots, etc.

I don't know what happened, but last night we got free brownies!

I am okay with this :)

*brownie can be found at Beertown Waterloo and is very delicious! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Soul Mate

Alter ego.



Kindred Spirit.


A person with whom one has a strong affinity, shared values and tastes.

These things all describe you, my soul mate. But if I wrote my own dictionary, your name would be the definition of "soul mate". It would read:

Soul mate [səʊl ɱeɪʈ] n Wilmz: A close friend who completely understands me, shares my values and beliefs; is my companion, my champion, my confidant and my challenger; fights with me and never against me; is my partner-in-crime and my motivator; plays the devil's advocate when I need one, and God's advocate when He needs one; my antagonist, collaborator and alter ego; the one who knows my heart and soul better than I do.

I know it was time for you to go, my kindred heart. I can't come just yet, but someday our spirits will be united again. For now, my severed soul is mending and finding the pieces that will always remind me of you, keep me whole, and maybe even help me love another the way you and I have loved each other.

Know that I love you,
Forever and always,
In this life and the next,


Monday, February 10, 2014

A Voice Like Silk

Saturday night was one of the best nights I've had in a really long time. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to go out and hear one of the most talented singer/songwriters in Southern Ontario sing. It was a small venue (The Village Bistro on Greenbrook) and only a few privileged people got to hear his sweet, sweet voice singing pop songs and his awesome mixes of these songs and artists.

He sang some of his own music too, and by my request, he sang the first song I had ever heard him sing. It was one of his own, called "Million Words" and it reminds me of one of my favourite people to ever walk this earth. Listening to the song reminds me of her not only because she put it on a mix CD and we sang it all the way to Port Perry one year for New Years, but also because many of the lyrics make me think of her. Its supposed to be a love song, but given that we are soulmates, I think it fits anyway!

"I could write a million words and try to describe you"...
"Cause I can't take my eyes off your smile"...
"I would give, give up my words, to spend one morning with yours"...

The list of lovely lyrics goes on, but I won't spend time writing them out for you. Buy the song yourself on iTunes! The artist is Mandippal Jandu and if you ever have the chance to see him live, I recommend it! (He has two CD's out and more to come and they are perfect for... everything!)

The night had other wonderfully special moments of wine, beer, requests, laughter, love burgers, hilarity and friendship. I spent much of the night talking to an old friend that I hope I see much more often from now on, and her friend. They refer to each other as "Pinky" and "The Brain" and I think it's completely on the money!

Another friend walked halfway across town and brought more people. We sang happy birthday to Colin and ate something that had ice cream and chocolate and came with a lollipop on top of it.

The end of the night saw Brain and myself spinning on chairs at the bar while pressing the lever on the side that makes them sink down to the ground. More than ridiculous, we didn't care. We were having the time of our lives in that moment.

Quote of the night:
Me: "That scarf is very becoming on you, Simon"
Simon: "If you were on me, you'd be-coming too."


Today is a really great day. I've only been up for a few hours, but already it is good. I just found out that my old roommate (and landlord) in Spain is pregnant!! While I was living with this Colombian beauty, she received her papers to live legally in Spain. It was such an exciting day! She was then able to bring her husband over from Colombia to live with her *finally, after about a year and a half of being apart* and help him get a job and his own papers.

Now, a year and a half after he arrived, they are pregnant!! I am so extremely happy for them! She mentioned that she is prone to miscarriages and is very delicate right now, so I am hoping and praying for the best! She is going to be a great mom. She used to come to my door all the time, knock and say "Quieras?" and when I would open my door, she would be standing there with a plate full of food, or the table set for two and a delicious spread laid out.
¡Felicidades Gloria!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Canadian Fog

You may be wondering why I'm about to talk to you about Canadian Fog in the middle of winter. At this time of year it seems that fog is the least of our worries and snow blankets the land with a majestic beauty that so many people brush off their cars and snow blow out of their way in order to get on with their busy lives.
I'm not here to talk about the mist that rolls in over the fields in April, though I do miss the sight of the first frost in October and the morning dew in May.
Canadian Fog is the tea latte that I am falling in love with at local downtown café I've been frequenting with an old friend. This "old friend" is actually not old in the sense of years on this planet, but she is an old soul that I've known for about 15 years. She is wonderful and caring and one of the most delightful people to spend an afternoon with, drinking tea and talking about all of the lovely, adventurous things we've done and have yet to do.
Canadian Fog is a deliciously maple twist on the classic London Fog tea latte.
Tea. Maple. Steamed Milk. Love.
It is magic in a mug.
The setting for our visits is a gem in the core of downtown Kitchener.
The café is Matter of Taste on King Street W - a rustic, open concept, unpretentious venue, perfect for sipping tea and gazing out on the bustling downtown.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Splendid Hips

I read every week, without fail. This is by far one of my favourites, because it reminds me of one of my very favourite people.. EVER.

And I hope he did.

Today is a Day You Might Not Have Had, So Live Like it is a Bonus

Don't let life get in the way of living. This last week I realized I had been out-lived by someone who had far less time on this earth than I have. I don't mean a celebrity who has seemingly accomplished more than us regular joes that don't have the same opportunities or talents. I mean someone who has had much the same upbringing as I have had, with one very real difference. This particular person grew up with a condition called complete heart block. It meant that she needed a pacemaker at age 11 or she would have died. She was faced with the very real possibility that she could die at any moment from a very young age. This gave her what seems to be an advantage over the rest of us who think life will stretch on until we are 80 or 90 and we have lots of time to accomplish everything we want to do. She knew life would end in a moments notice. And she lived every moment like it was a bonus.

So live your life like it is a bonus. Every day is a bonus day that you might not have had. Don't take life so seriously. Play. Be silly. Buy that plastic tiara and wear it in public, simply because it makes you smile. Take pictures. Don't be afraid to not be perfect or make mistakes. Never miss an opportunity to tell someone what they mean to you. Share your passions. Climb a mountain and enjoy the view from the top. Make waves. Be the butterfly that causes a tsunami.

Above all, something I think everyone should remember, love your God and love your neighbour as yourself. With these two things you will find that you will love yourself.