Sunday, September 8, 2013

Suicidal Rodents and Payback

Twice this week now I have hit or almost hit small, furry friends trying to cross the street.

The first was on Sunday night and I was coming home from work. A possum, who had somehow gotten himself to the middle barrier on the 3- lane highway, discovered he had no way to finish crossing and turned back. I had 3 options: swerve into the cement barricade (which I’ve already done this year), hit the possum, or brake and hit the possum slower. I hit the possum.

The second was a squirrel that decided to skip down the middle of the road and then stop and stare at me. This one I drove right over without hitting it with my tires, and saw it scoot off the road in my rear-view mirror.

The next night I came out of work at 9pm to find that not one, but 4 birds had crapped on my windshield. No other cars in the lot had anything on them. Seriously.

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