Wednesday, September 11, 2013

“Eggs! Eggs are in Chocolate Cake!”

Literally one of the funniest things I have ever heard is a bit by Bill Cosby on “Chocolate Cake for Breakfast”. I can’t tell you how many times my sister and I had to listen to that on the way to Florida one year because somehow on a family road trip, that is the only thing anyone packed for entertainment in the car, and blue grass country is not an option for 10 hours straight.

Mr. Cosby has the greatest bit on why chocolate cake is okay to eat, or serve to your children, for breakfast.

“Eggs! Eggs are in Chocolate Cake! And milk- oh goody! And wheat- that’s nutrition!”

It’s mostly funny because I DO this... Literally stood in my kitchen one morning and told my boyfriend why it was okay to eat oreo cookies and milk for breakfast.

In case you’re wondering, for protein in either of these breakfasts you should also include bacon. Because bacon makes everything better.

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