Monday, June 16, 2014

How Will You Use Your Seconds?





Seconds tick by so quickly that rarely do we notice individual moments coming and going. We sleep, we eat, we go about our lives. The normal is perpendicular to the abnormal; where the normal keeps going straight and the abnormal disrupts the natural rhythm of our lives, and we stop to take notice.

A birth.

A death.

An accident.

A miracle.

Life changing events happen in a second. They sneak up on us in our most unsuspecting moments, and tear through our habitual, methodical lives to take us by surprise.

A bad decision.

A negative response.

A gunshot.

Just like that you life will change, never to be the same as the moment before.

A sound.

A noise.

A crash.

Words on average are typed at .5 per second, spoken at 1.5 per second and read at 4-5 per second. Incredible how information can be shared so quickly.

An announcement.

A proclamation.

A victory.

We never know when our seconds will end, or how many we will have to keep using. To keep wasting. On eating alone, or watching t.v. Video games and mocking people in the street or on the bus. Shameful things are done in seconds. And blessings are given in seconds. I don't know the weight of a wasted moment or the density of a well-used second, but I sure hope that the latter outweighs the former in the end.

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